Name : ZIKS ENTERPRISE -Wallpaper - DeCorner - Wallpaper Designer Sticker Wallpaper for Home Walls Floral Wall Paper for Bathroom, Kitchen, Lobby, Store Room, Office, Design Self Adhesive Waterproof Removable wall paper Roll Oil Proof Kitchen Countertop Cabinet Furniture Laptop (250x45)
Color : Gray
Type : Bedroom
Theme : Floral & Botanical
Net Quantity (N) : 1
ZIKS ENTERPRISE -In current time when you decide to use wallpaper on your wall then first thing which comes to your mind is the price factor. On request of our huge customer base in India, company has decided to provide a solution which is not only as good as wallpaper but also best in price. Decorner is the India's Biggest brand/company which has introduced DIY wallpapers. These wallpapers are waterproof, removable and resuable and also price is very attractive. These wallpapers are the easiest and quickest way to transform a room. The eco PVC wallpapers can be repositioned and removed over and over again without damaging walls or surfaces. Simply peel and stick.
Country of Origin : India
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