Name : History of the Tranquebar Mission: Worked out from the Original Papers [Hardcover]
Author : J. Ferd. Fenger
Book Format : Hardcover
Genre : Reference
ISBN : 9788121289542
Language : English
Pages : 301-400 Pages
Publish Year : 2023
Publisher : Gyan Publishing House
About The Book : In this book explain in History of the Tranquebar Mission, The Tranquebar Mission was established in 1706 by two German missionaries from Halle namely, Bartholomäus Ziegenbalg and Heinrich Plütschau. The pleasure which every true Christian must feel in the spread of his Saviour's religion is of itself a sufficient cause for making known the labours of the earliest Missionaries in India; for the man who has learnt from Christianity to love God with all his heart and his neighbour as himself rejoices to see its inestimable blessings declared "to every creature." It is true that the picture has its dark shades; whe see here the almost insuperable difficulties that impede the conversion of the Hindus, amongst which, alas! the earless or profane lives of many Europeans stand prominently forth, but though it is still " the day of small things, " any one who has heard, as I have, converted natives of irreproachable lives praying earnest scriptual prayers, giving extemporaneous sermons of remarkable clearness and force, or writing such books as " The Dawn in the East," must feel that it is a work blessed of the Lord in spite of any weakness or short comings in the feeble instruments He deigns to use. It was during the palmy days of King Christian IV, that the Danes first turned their attention to the East Indies, in order to form alliances with that distant country, and
Country of Origin : India
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