FSSAI License Number : 22221074004480
Shelf life (Best Before) : 10 Months
Net Quantity (N) : 1
Veg/NonVeg : Veg
Weight : 100gm
Cardamom aids in the treatment of certain forms of metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a series of health complications that can cause heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Obesity, elevated sugar levels, cholesterol, excessive triglycerides, high blood pressure, and low levels of “good” cholesterol are all symptoms. Cardamom was shown to help boost those biomarkers which cause infections and disease in the double study.
Cardamom Regulate Blood Sugar : Cardamom are said to help balance and stabilize blood sugar levels. Cardamom plays an important role in the stabilization of type 2 diabetes. Due to the extreme nutrients content in it, the individual will develop insulin sensitivity, which is good for people with diabetes.
Cardamom promotes Oral health : For years, people often use cardamom as a breath freshener. They did not do so simply for the sake of its taste. Cardamom can aid in the battle against bacteria in the mouth, which is a prevalent cause of bad breathing, cavities, and dental problems. Because of their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, cardamom pods and fruit can actually boost oral health. Cardamom extract is effective at preventing gum disease and infections by disrupting bacteria
Cardamom Contains : Fiber1.6 grams Protein0.6 grams Fat0.4 grams calories18 carbohydrates4.0 grams Cardamom is high in fiber and rich in antioxidants that can lower your r
Country of Origin : India
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