Name : Shrimad Bhagavad Gita and Management Concepts - Made Easy
Author : Diwakar Mishra
Book Format : Paperback
Edition : 1
Genre : Religion & Spirituality
ISBN : 9789395217750
Language : English
Pages : 101-200 Pages
Publish Year : 2023
Publisher : Zorba Books
Shrimad Bhagavad Gita can be seen not only as literary evidence of the great religious civilization of India but also one that caters to the various modern ever stressful management scenarios. The principles and systems of modern management and those mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita are in line, more so today. Especially today when the business world is faced with rapidly changing situations, the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita hold steady and can help a professional deal with new and changing scenarios. You would be surprised how the sacred teachings of the Bhagavad Gita hold all the Management Concepts that are relevant today. Let Bhagwat Gita guide you with examples, to deal with the ever evolving, stressful situations at work and at home. The book guides you on Management Concepts with incidences taken from the Bhagwat Gita. These snippets and incidences will help embed management concepts in your mind for easier recall and implementation when required. This knowledge of Bhagavad Gita will prove useful not only for the business world but also for the general public and the youth and will make their life easy.
Country of Origin : India
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